6/28/15 34,557.38
6/30/15 32,455.22
net loss 6.08%
1) Traditional IRA top image, Roth bottom image
2) Combined account value is found by adding the 2 Net Liquidating values togther
3) Net Liquidating value is found at the top center of the image and at the bottom of the table
4) brokerage time & date stamp lower left corner
5) The Trad IRA is the one with the account # whited out
6) The Roth, is the one with "roth" in the account name
I will try to keep to the convention of having the Roth on the bottom.
Originally I was going to use 6/30/15 eod value as my start for a clean 6 month computation.
In light of recent market action it could be seen as deceptive to start calculating after a loss.
So I have decided to use the first date that both accounts had information posted , which was
values posted over the weekend sunday 6/28/15 I will use this date for calculating gains losses
going forward
SA Private messaging
June 29 at 12:36pm"Perhaps I'll show how DRIPX fares against my trading results, too?"
PEN:<You are actually going to show us your trading results? When?
It was there before you posted this question.
If you had read the latest update you would know that official tracking of the combined 2 accounts starts end of day tomorrow:
1) both accounts will be treated as one for calculating portfolio return
2) Individual trades are irrelevant, returns are found by changes to combined net liquidating account value.
I will calculate that for you but so you can make sure my math is correct.
Net liq for each account is found at the top of the page in the center just to the right of account name.
The date and broker time stamp is in the lower left corner.
3) The specific answer to the first time period is found in the comment of the latest
page. In the future all of that information will be found with the accompanying account snap shots. It was not this time because it doesn't reflect the whole account.
I intend to do updates tracking weekly and monthly performance. Corresponding comparisons will be added to that as that information becomes available to me. - ____________________________________________________________________________
June 29 at 5:33pm"Individual trades are irrelevant, returns are found by changes to combined net liquidating account value. "
They certainly ARE relevant. Chowder posts all his moves, why aren't you?
"It was there before you posted this question. "
There were NO specific securities in what you provided. - _____________________________________________________________________
June 29 at 9:01pm"Individual trades are irrelevant, returns are found by changes to combined net liquidating account value. "
1)They certainly ARE relevant. 2) Chowder posts all his moves, why aren't you?
"It was there before you posted this question. "
3)There were NO specific securities in what you provided.
1) To what purpose, longitudinally total portfolio value gives you net gain/losses etc.
2 a)Chowder doesn't know what he's doing, he still pretends he's a trader.
2b) It's not chowder's real portfolio anyway.
2c) For all we know Project 3 million is just a fantasy portfolio, no broker screen shots to indicate the account is real. (his fantasy portfolio or real is irrelevant to me: total return is what counts, how he gets there I couldn't care less)
3) I answered your question where/how you can determine my results.
I even calculated it for you. - ______________________________________________________________________
June 29 at 10:03pmYou provide no real data, hide behind multiple names and engage in ad hominem attacks. Why should anyone trust anything you say?
- ____________________________________________________________________________
June 29 at 11:38pm1)You provide no real data, 2)hide behind multiple names and 3) engage in ad hominem attacks. 4)Why should anyone trust anything you say?
1) That's just not true I not only supply you with all the data you need I specifically told you where on the page to find such data to check my work.
2) I'm sure it's comforting to think that there's only one person in the world that happens to disagree you folks and is responsible for all posting, but I got news for you ,it's just not so.
3) a)Where's your proof? b) and your posting is as pure as
Snow White in intent eh?
4) Because the truth and "facts are stubborn things; " as John Adams said. - ____________________________________________________________________
June 30 at 5:25amWhy is it so hard for you to put up actual an actual portfolio?
- _________________________________________________________________________
June 30 at 12:25pmblog updated
- ___________________________________________________________________________
June 30 at 12:44pmWhy is it so hard for you to put up actual an actual portfolio?
I'm a little busy right now.
The answer is simple, it's not in my best interests to do so and it's not required to prove my point.
This is real money on the line and I won't compromise that to assuage my ego or anyone else's agenda. - __________________________________________________________________________
June 30 at 6:10pm1)You accepted a challenge to show real results of a real portfolio. You have repeatedly failed to do this. And yes, posting your actual results ARE required based on the challenge you accepted.
2)You seem to have plenty of time to doctor screenshots of various documents and to PM me and other people.
3)How exactly does displaying your results put anything at risk other than your pride?
June 30 at 10:59pm1) I've done exactly as I said I was going to do.
Don't believe me, go back and check my post history starting 6/14, it's not that far back.
2) Well EXCUSE ME for blotting out my account # on the open internet.
What's next? you need my passwords while you're at it?
So let me get this straight you're actually upset that I took the time to reply to you during regular trading hours today . un-BELIEVABLE !
3) You're kidding right?
no, no you're not
Well have somebody that actually trades and knows what they are doing explain it to you. - __________________________________________________________________________
- Here are the relevant posts mentioned
Chowder:<You want to track returns? You and me! Give me your best 5
or 10 selections going forward starting today and I'll give mine. We'll
track it publicly for all to see.
Who cares about back tests. Let's you and me pony up going forward. Let me know if you are up to this friendly invitation. >
UBER:I was only looking for reasonably accurate data.
Buy hey if you want issue a challenge every time you get mift, fine by me.
Your total returns against my real portfolio returns at a real broker.
- http://seekingalpha.com/article/3205256-lessons-learned-from-the-grand-canyon#comment-54696035
- ___________________________________________________________________
- return to PM exchange
June 30 at 11:11pmIf you want to whine & cry about it some more, or you have anything else to say, knock yourself out and post it on my blog for everyone to see.
I'm done wasting my time replying privately to you.
July 1 at 5:34am1)No you haven't. You accepted a challenge which included showing your results, and hiding the actual details of what you traded doesn't live up to what you accepted.
2)You did the details of your trades,
3)I don't need anyone to explain it to me. And the fact that you won't explain why you think so tells me all I need to know. - ___________________________________________________________________________
1) I've done exactly as I've said I would do results are shown in changes to net liquidating value.
2) I'm not interested in assisting others in the pursuit of, the reverse engineering of my strategy.
3) My objective here is not to teach the card carrying twats of the magical thinking guild (DGI)
how to trade.
If you feel you have the right to know how my strategy works: You must know that I am
under the restriction of an iron clad non-compete clause.
All I can disclose is that:
I make money selling magic pixie dust: to Dividend Elves & Dividend Leper-Cons.
1 Jul, 06:59 PM
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I see you still haven't put any real information on your site. When are you going to do so?
As for the STAG purchase, I don't trade so much these days, I BUY. And I was quite happy to increase my ownership stake in STAG at the price offered.
And not afraid to say what I bought, how much and at what price.
1 Jul, 07:58 PM
UBER: 1) Whine and cry all you want ya little twit.
2) Selling pixie dust to the Dividend Leper -Cons is all I'm going to tell you.
changes in net liquidating values reveal my results.
keep whining and I'll just post snap shots of the homepage instead.