Sunday, July 26, 2015

week 4, 7.26

start of week IRA  5,457.87    end   5,441.64
start of week ROTH 28,448.20  end 27,988.24
total start of week 33,906.07    end  33429.88
loss of 476.19        1.4% loss for the week

Not too bad since the SP500 fell 2.1%. 
What really matters is  how it does this week, since the contracts held ,expire on friday 7/31.

Monday, July 20, 2015

week 3 as of 7/19/15

ira start of week 5260.33   end of week  5457.87
roth start of week 27488.15  end of week 28,448.20
combined 32748.48 end of week 33906.07
gain 1157.59        3.5% gain for the week
since inception on 6/28/15   34557.38/33906.07= 1.9% loss

Slowly starting to make my way back to a new high, just have not seen much that looks attractive the past 2 weeks.  

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Week 2's results

ira  start of week 5356.53    eow  5260.33
roth start of week 27338.10    eow 27488.15
sum start of week 32694.63 eow 32748.48
$53.85  gain,  .16%

  As I've said before   My objective here is not to teach the card carrying twats  of the magical thinking guild (DGI)
        how to trade.All I can disclose is that:
     I make money selling magic pixie dust: to Dividend Elves  &   Dividend Leper-Cons. And as such I've warned them several times about the endless drivel about wanting to see my individual trades and that if it continued I'd just post my brokerage homepage.
So here it is ;The homepage still contains my net liquidating balance for performance purposes.

return since inception 6/28/15 through 7/12/15  
 32748.48/34557.38   =   loss of 5.23%
The market has hit a soft patch so it's no surprise that the portfolio has too.
Besides this is about the long term, not one or two weeks.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Week 1's results

IRA     $5,356.53
Roth  $27,338.10

6/28      34,557.38
7/4     32,694.63
loss of 1,862.75                 -5.4% for the week.

It was a difficult week  but I've improved on my process a bit.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


6/28/15      34,557.38
          6/30/15      32,455.22        
 net loss 6.08%
1)  Traditional IRA  top image, Roth bottom image
2) Combined account value is found by adding the 2 Net Liquidating values togther
3)   Net Liquidating value is found at the top center of the image and at the bottom of the table
4) brokerage time & date stamp lower left corner
5) The Trad IRA is the one with the account # whited out
6)  The Roth, is the one with "roth" in the account name
      I will try to keep to the convention of having the Roth on the bottom. 

Originally I was going to use 6/30/15 eod value as  my start for a clean 6 month computation.
In light of   recent market action it could be seen as  deceptive to start calculating after a loss.

So I have decided to use the first date that both accounts had information posted , which was
     values posted over the weekend sunday 6/28/15 I will use this date for calculating gains losses
      going forward

SA Private messaging
  • June 29 at 12:36pm
    "Perhaps I'll show how DRIPX fares against my trading results, too?"

    PEN:<You are actually going to show us your trading results? When?

    It was there before you posted this question.
    If you had read the latest update you would know that official tracking of the combined 2 accounts starts end of day tomorrow:
    1) both accounts will be treated as one for calculating portfolio return
    2) Individual trades are irrelevant, returns are found by changes to combined net liquidating account value.
    I will calculate that for you but so you can make sure my math is correct.

    Net liq for each account is found at the top of the page in the center just to the right of account name.
    The date and broker time stamp is in the lower left corner.
    3) The specific answer to the first time period is found in the comment of the latest
    page. In the future all of that information will be found with the accompanying account snap shots. It was not this time because it doesn't reflect the whole account.

    I intend to do updates tracking weekly and monthly performance. Corresponding comparisons will be added to that as that information becomes available to me.
  • ____________________________________________________________________________
  • June 29 at 5:33pm
    "Individual trades are irrelevant, returns are found by changes to combined net liquidating account value. "

    They certainly ARE relevant. Chowder posts all his moves, why aren't you?

    "It was there before you posted this question. "

    There were NO specific securities in what you provided.
  • _____________________________________________________________________
  • June 29 at 9:01pm
    "Individual trades are irrelevant, returns are found by changes to combined net liquidating account value. "

    1)They certainly ARE relevant. 2) Chowder posts all his moves, why aren't you?

    "It was there before you posted this question. "

    3)There were NO specific securities in what you provided.


    1) To what purpose, longitudinally total portfolio value gives you net gain/losses etc.

    2 a)Chowder doesn't know what he's doing, he still pretends he's a trader.
    2b) It's not chowder's real portfolio anyway.
    2c) For all we know Project 3 million is just a fantasy portfolio, no broker screen shots to indicate the account is real. (his fantasy portfolio or real is irrelevant to me: total return is what counts, how he gets there I couldn't care less)

    3) I answered your question where/how you can determine my results.
    I even calculated it for you.
  • ______________________________________________________________________
  • June 29 at 10:03pm
    You provide no real data, hide behind multiple names and engage in ad hominem attacks. Why should anyone trust anything you say?
  • ____________________________________________________________________________
  • June 29 at 11:38pm
    1)You provide no real data, 2)hide behind multiple names and 3) engage in ad hominem attacks. 4)Why should anyone trust anything you say?

    1) That's just not true I not only supply you with all the data you need I specifically told you where on the page to find such data to check my work.

    2) I'm sure it's comforting to think that there's only one person in the world that happens to disagree you folks and is responsible for all posting, but I got news for you ,it's just not so.

    3) a)Where's your proof? b) and your posting is as pure as
    Snow White in intent eh?

    4) Because the truth and "facts are stubborn things; " as John Adams said. 
  • ____________________________________________________________________

  • June 30 at 5:25am
    Why is it so hard for you to put up actual an actual portfolio?
  • _________________________________________________________________________
  • June 30 at 12:25pm
    blog updated
  • ___________________________________________________________________________
  • June 30 at 12:44pm
    Why is it so hard for you to put up actual an actual portfolio?

    I'm a little busy right now.
    The answer is simple, it's not in my best interests to do so and it's not required to prove my point.
    This is real money on the line and I won't compromise that to assuage my ego or anyone else's agenda.
  • __________________________________________________________________________
  • June 30 at 6:10pm
    1)You accepted a challenge to show real results of a real portfolio. You have repeatedly failed to do this. And yes, posting your actual results ARE required based on the challenge you accepted.

    2)You seem to have plenty of time to doctor screenshots of various documents and to PM me and other people.

    3)How exactly does displaying your results put anything at risk other than your pride?
  • June 30 at 10:59pm
    1) I've done exactly as I said I was going to do.
    Don't believe me, go back and check my post history starting 6/14, it's not that far back.

    2) Well EXCUSE ME for blotting out my account # on the open internet.
    What's next? you need my passwords while you're at it?
    So let me get this straight you're actually upset that I took the time to reply to you during regular trading hours today . un-BELIEVABLE !

    3) You're kidding right?
    no, no you're not
    Well have somebody that actually trades and knows what they are doing explain it to you.
  • __________________________________________________________________________
  • Here are the relevant posts mentioned
  • Chowder:<You want to track returns? You and me! Give me your best 5 or 10 selections going forward starting today and I'll give mine. We'll track it publicly for all to see.

    Who cares about back tests. Let's you and me pony up going forward. Let me know if you are up to this friendly invitation. >

    UBER:I was only looking for reasonably accurate data.

    Buy hey if you want issue a challenge every time you get mift, fine by me.

    Your total returns against my real portfolio returns at a real broker.
    • ___________________________________________________________________
    • return to PM exchange
    • June 30 at 11:11pm
      If you want to whine & cry about it some more, or you have anything else to say, knock yourself out and post it on my blog for everyone to see.

      I'm done wasting my time replying privately to you.


    • July 1 at 5:34am
      1)No you haven't. You accepted a challenge which included showing your results, and hiding the actual details of what you traded doesn't live up to what you accepted.

      2)You did the details of your trades,

      3)I don't need anyone to explain it to me. And the fact that you won't explain why you think so tells me all I need to know.
    • ___________________________________________________________________________
    1) I've done exactly as I've said I would do results are shown in changes to net liquidating value.

    2)  I'm not interested in assisting others in the pursuit of,  the reverse engineering of my strategy.

    3)  My objective here is not to teach the card carrying twats  of the magical thinking guild (DGI)
            how to trade.
          If you feel you have the right to know how my strategy works: You must know that I am
         under the restriction of an iron clad non-compete clause.

          All I can disclose is that:
         I make money selling magic pixie dust: to Dividend Elves  &   Dividend Leper-Cons.

    Monday, June 29, 2015

    6/29/15   A rough day

      Trading Today was disappointing especially the close.

    Sunday, June 28, 2015

    6/28/15 TRACKING STARTS HERE  1st reporting of 2 combined accounts

    IRA 5,413.69
    roth 29,143.69
    Starting Total Value  34,557.38

    The recent closing of my blog stemmed from the hilarious exchange below made by Private Message with the chief bloviator & instigator of the challenge.
    To date he's still running away from my simple , reasonable questions like a pansy.

    Originally giving the pansy ample time to step up, was the reason for the closing , seeing that was never gonna happen, I used that time to change my format a bit. 
     Since I'm not asking my competitor to manage my funds for me the  " I don't have time with chump 
         change portfolio's." is completely ridiculous.
    However  fearing a loss to my account's performance is a very real threat.
      It also reminded me of the problem that I'm sure I'd be accused of later: "You started with a throwaway account and took as much risk as you could".
    1) I don't plan to lose money and I'm not out to risk losing money to beat chowder's portfolio or any 
          of the one's I'm going to be tracking.
    2) I plan on doing this much longer than the usual trading challenge , so undue risk would greatly 
          increase the chances of blowing up, and that my friends I have no interest in doing.

     So I decided , along with my traditional IRA (already posted previously and at the top of the page) I'd add my Roth IRA too ( posted underneath the other with "roth" in the account name section.)
        Just like the other account I'm ineligible to contribute so additions & withdrawals are not expected.

    This brings my starting account value within apx 20% of Project3millions starting value, hardly
       a non-adult sized portfolio unless chowder  thinks P3M started off as chump change as well.

    FYI: You can see the time and date stamp the image was taken from my broker in the lower left
             corner of each image. I'll try to preserve that any time I take a snap shot to determine my 

    I plan to officially start tracking returns  EOD 6/30/15, which will make assessing returns easier.


    • June 17 at 4:16pm
      Your response to my query found on the thread "lessons learned from the grand canyon" is requested
    • ____________________________________________________________________________
    • June 17 at 10:19pm
      I'm sorry, I have no idea what you are referring to.
    • _______________________________________________________________________

      • June 17 at 10:21pm
        The questions posted here:
      • ________________________________________________________________________
      •  which were:
        • At this point I only have 2 questions for you.
        1) If/when my portfolio returns beat yours, will you quit pretending everybody needs to have a public portfolio that beats your's as a prerequisite for making comments on Dividend Growth Investing?

        2) Define the conditions you think required, to reasonably admit your portfolio's performance has been bested.     
      • ___________________________________________________________________________
        • June 17 at 10:31pm
          I've moved on. I don't have time with chump change portfolio's. Get back to me when you have an adult-sized portfolio and we'll talk. Keep updating the portfolio though. I'm rooting for you you to get to a grown up sized portfolio. I'm hoping I can learn something from you.
      • _________________________________________________________________________
        • June 17 at 10:36pm
          This is a new change in criteria.

          How much is an "Adult size portfolio"?
      • ____________________________________________________________________

        • June 18 at 7:24am
          You posted your portfolio, you said you wanted to compete, so compete.

          Post your monthly results and I'll continue to post mine, with or without you keeping up.

          Let's try to be professional and keep the emotions to a minimum, eh? It's time to move on.
      • _____________________________________________________________________
        • June 18 at 8:14am
          I don't know about you but I'm not emotional at all.
          You've still not answered my question concerning your new criteria you have set.

          I'll ask again define "Adult size portfolio" in no uncertain terms.
      • ____________________________________________________________________________
        • June 18 at 11:24am
          As you said let's try to be professional.
          Previously you wrote:
          "Get back to me when you have an adult-sized portfolio and we'll talk."

          I'd like to politely ask you, in order for us to talk (like you said): I need to know what dollar amount , you consider an adult size portfolio? 
      • ________________________________________________________________________
      • Chowder the pussy that he is tried to pretend being out of town is why he couldn't answer the 
      •   questions. When he returned I posted another follow-up attempt this time on the open board.
      •  found here:
      • ________________________________________________________________

      • DividendsUberAlles
        Comments (160) | Send Message
        chowder Let it go! ...

        Good to see you back, perfect opportunity for you to answer my questions below*

        1) If/when my portfolio returns beat yours, will you quit pretending everybody needs to have a public portfolio that beats your's as a prerequisite for making comments on Dividend Growth Investing?

        2) Define the conditions you think required, to reasonably admit your portfolio's performance has been bested.

        *continued evasive behavior to answer in a straight forward manner is unbecoming.
      • ____________________________________________________________________________

      • Chowder
        , contributor
        Comments (10207) | Send Message
        I'm not going to answer your questions. I told you the time for talk was over. You accepted a challenge, now show me what you got. Are you going to tell us what you own or where your money is being invested right now?

      Monday, June 15, 2015


       Loss of $13.96 for the day. Wouldn't want any losers to whine I never show a loss.

      Comments (10075)| Send Message
      Yup, I stepped in it dude. Let's see that $5 K portfolio go to work! I can hardly wait. Jun 15, 07:52 PM"JOE COOL: Yes chowder, we all know you're  the biggest blowhard on seeking alpha.

      Sunday, June 14, 2015


           Project 3million is a Dividend Growth Portfolio run by a fellow named Chowder, for his son,
                      and is a prodigious commentator on the  financial investment site Seeking Alfa,
                       and as such is a very vocal member of it's Cult of Dividend Growth Investors.

      Anytime someone makes a comment threatening the legitimacy or soundness of DGI, Chowder has a penchant for issuing an investment challenge (using Project 3million) as a hurdle or litmus   test that he and his lemmings pretend must be passed by the heretic in order to have any merit to their arguments.

      You see logic and facts don't matter. It's always a game of moving the goal posts.First the ruse is what's in your portfolio, then it's how long have you had it, then it's, well how long has your portfolio been  public?

      Here's the context of the challenge:

    • triesnottobebroke
      Comments (194)| Send Message
      "That isn't varan's portfolio. It's another list"

      Unless I see brokerage statements, from you included, everything posted on seekingalpha is "another list". Nobody has any way to verify any of it.
      29 May, 12:38 PMReplyLike2

    • Chowder
      Comments (10045)| Send Message
      >>> Unless I see brokerage statements, from you included, everything posted on seekingalpha is "another list". <<<

      Tell you what dude! Bring yourself to SC and bring plenty of beer and I will provide those brokerage statements to you for the public portfolio I manage. If what I post is false, I'll hand you a check for $10 K. If I'm right, I'll donate your check for $10 K to charity, and Percy and I will drink all the beer you can carry.

      Let me me know if you are willing to accept this very friendly challenge. I love challenges, it brings out the best in people who have courage.
      30 May, 03:56 PMReplyLike9

    • DividendsUberAlles
      Comments (147)| Send Message
      <<Tell you what dude! Bring yourself to SC and bring plenty of beer and I will provide those brokerage statements>>

      No brokerage statements are needed but it would be nice to know if someone has actually bothered to calculate the returns of your Project 3 Million.

      Have they, and what are they?
      9 Jun, 05:51 PMReplyLike0

    • Chowder
      Comments (10045)| Send Message
      Why don't you take on that responsibility since you are the one that is curious? The portfolio has been up for several years, all the monthly updates are there. All the buys and sell decisions are there and announced ahead of time. All the prices are listed. Go back and match it up with whatever source you desire and then come back and tell me if the reports are accurate or not.

      All one has to do is follow along and verify. I don't hide a single thing, including losses taken several years ago. I still show them. Try getting that info from an ETF or mutual fund. They do their window dressing every quarter to hide things from you. ... You were invested in what??? ... They don't want you to know that. ... Ha!
      9 Jun, 06:05 PMReplyLike4

    • DividendsUberAlles
      Comments (147)| Send Message
      What reports are you talking about?

      If you have brokerage reports of each year's annual Individual rate of return I missed it.

      Where do you list your returns?

      Heck for all I care, even use the beardstown ladies method.
      I'm just trying to get a general idea of what can be done by an expert with a real DGI portfolio.

      No ulterior motives

      11 Jun, 01:55 PMReplyLike2

    • geekette
      Comments (1105)| Send Message
      uber ally, I think the point is that Chowder does not track returns, I do not think you will find reports. However, if you are interested in return, the info is there to be calculated.

      I let my brokerage tell me what overall return is while I know it is actually higher due to chronic div reinvestment. I track income vs sh price return.
      11 Jun, 04:17 PMReplyLike0

    • DividendsUberAlles
      Comments (147)| Send Mess 
      <<Chowder does not track returns>>

      Yet I've seen him boast and make challenges based on those "unknown" returns anyway.
      In what world does that make sense?
      Obviously if someone is not serious enough to track their own returns then you know challenges based on such returns are for all practical purposes "BOGUS" in nature.

      12 Jun, 03:39 PMReplyLike1

    • Chowder
      Comments (10045)| Send Message
      You want to track returns? You and me! Give me your best 5 or 10 selections going forward starting today and I'll give mine. We'll track it publicly for all to see.

      Who cares about back tests. Let's you and me pony up going forward. Let me know if you are up to this friendly invitation.
      12 Jun, 05:00 PMReplyLike13

    • Well I'm JoeCool (aka DividendsUberAlles) in that thread and I'm here to let  Chowder
                      know that the constant chest beating gets tiresome to those of us who know better:
      Yes I accept the challenge to track real returns in a real portfolio with snapshots from a real                           broker with time stamps. I certainly think I can beat your net returns over the long term.
       As a side note I don't have anything against dividend investing itself but including contributions in annual gains like chowder does and money put into your magic pants by the dividend fairy may be addressed later.